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Wednesday, August 30, 2006,8/30/2006 07:26:00 PM

And I don't know why
I just let it slip by
Me all the time
I just wish you'd of tried

Don't know why by Mcfly. Danny sang solo. =D. I love his voice and oh not to forget Dougie's voice too.

Anyway, I freaking got back my freaking results today and I freakin failed two subjects which are um, Maths and Lit.

Scored a 37 for Lit and 40 for Maths.

Man I'm stupid LOL.

58% overall for progress card. Gotta work hard for end of the year exams Image Hosted by ImageShack.us.

Today got drenched like kanasai LOL. It rained so heavily x_x. Lucky I didn't fall while running =D.

And now I'm cold and hungry T.T. Food anyone?

Monday, August 28, 2006,8/28/2006 08:33:00 PM

One thing to say. Miss Wong our history teacher totally has to shave her armpit hair. It is really unsightly, I just shudder thinking about it.


Saturday, August 26, 2006,8/26/2006 10:30:00 AM

Rashes are spreading all over my body.

And yesterday, so many people were upset. =/

Thursday, August 24, 2006,8/24/2006 09:48:00 PM

Oh my gosh, I can't take this anymore! I cannot stand the biasedness of my father towards my stepsister.

She is in Primary 3 okay and she gets bad grades for her exams since like forever? And my father doesn't even NAG at her. I scored a 8/20 for my maths test and he scolded me for it. -.-. When I get good grades like above 80 or something, my father will just say "The paper must've been easy".

Does he really think I'm stupid?!

My stepsister has a camera phone. My father doesn't nag at her even though shes so vain and suck in her studies.

She is in Primary 3.

Life isn't fair.

At all.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006,8/23/2006 07:10:00 PM

I look into the sky
And I have to ask why
Maths suck so baaaaad!

Duh it's so true Maths suck so bad =(. And er, I know my fringe sucks but I know it will grow. Cause hair grows. Duh =/.

Btw,I am an independent kid so don't worry about me or anything -coughs-. And I'm optimistic! See.
Oh just tell yourself, I'LL BE OKAY! =D

Monday, August 21, 2006,8/21/2006 07:00:00 PM

I cut my fringe and it looks funny. O.O. Nvm it's okay cause hair grows back. And also, the huge zit under my lips just POPPED in the midst of History lesson and it kept bleeding. =/

It hurt can? Anyway I did a Mcfly skin or smtg you can see it on this blog which is my testing blog. =D. Leave your opinion on my dang tagboard k? =x.

And today was like normal. Josephine was not that talkative. O.O. Silence is a scary sound by Mcfly is so good it makes you drool.

I'm torn up inside,
There's a hole in my mind,
When you're not next to me
Go hear it on radioblogclub okay? LOL =X.

Saturday, August 19, 2006,8/19/2006 11:07:00 AM

Okay HELLO! I'm back so rejoice please. Okay that's so lame. I just woke up so -coughs- so dont mjind mre typging liuke shiute.

Okay so on Thursday we had PSL games day and my group had to organise the games and stuff. So we played 2 of the games planned which were the um balloooony loony game and football. HAHA I suck at football trust me. And at the end I got drenched like as usual. Waterbomb what, the point of it is getting wet. =D.

And yesterday which was Friday had band. Like I practically laughed during the whole of band with Syamsiah and Tirmidzi. LOL. And the hamster is so fat and cute O.O. It gave me like rashes a little bit LOL. But who cares. And Zahran is a sick in the mind person =l. I don't wanna talk to him anymore. LOL!

Alrighty! I totally have to shower cause I'm gonna go out with Darilyn. BYEBYE!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006,8/15/2006 05:49:00 PM

Sleepy man... And happy that I got my archives? =x

Monday, August 14, 2006,8/14/2006 04:33:00 PM
zZz o.o

Damn it man LOL after national anthem had to go back to class for Science but then saw that there was no one at class so me and Josephine went to the Science lab and it turned out that we had a practical test. =/. And my reaction was like WTF! Cause it's difficult to turn on the bunsen burner =/. LOL. But I did the correct things anyway. HEH.

Oh ya there's this teacher that came into our class during Maths. From Miss Lin's face I knew she was scared of that teacher. LOL. She was so extra anyway -.-.

Oh yes, stayed back to decorate class just now. Well decorated abit uh the class motto. O.O. It looks funny and the class is still plain. Blah hope to come up with more ideas man. And my class sucks cause most of the people in it are so unco-operative. Bad hair day today too -.-. Dang it LOL. Okay I totally have to go fix the archives thingy now so BYE!

Sunday, August 13, 2006,8/13/2006 03:32:00 PM

Dude, I've flooded my bathroom this morning. Stupid bathtub drain =/. Then my mum had to scoop up the water slowly. Damn I felt so guilty. =(. So I helped her =D.

Then after religious class, whilst in my father's car I saw this whole gang of motorbikers some with their girlfriends hitching a ride on it. And then I asked my father if he had ever rode on a motorbike and he said yes but after being involved in an accident cause of riding a motorbike he decided to drive a car.

Lesson learnt.

Motorbikes are dangerous.

They cause loads of accidents okay! Don't play play here ah. So to keep safe. Spend more money on public transport. HAHAHAHA.

Friday, August 11, 2006,8/11/2006 09:01:00 PM

I'm walking on sunshine.
And it's gotta feel good!
Alright now.

I feel so hyper and I feel like jumping all over can? I love my band seniors lah. They effing rox my smelly sox. LOL. They're better than some other people that I know xD. Hell, tmr have to fast already. So I better save some energy for tomorrow too so BYEBYE.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006,8/09/2006 05:52:00 PM


Tuesday, August 08, 2006,8/08/2006 11:33:00 AM

Today best lah the performance. LOL.

Band was the first item and clarinets just had to be front row and so we had the lights shining very brightly into our faces. Ow.

Didn't manage to catch the fashion show for our level but I know that my class got 1st place. I bet Amirah and Daniel did great for catwalk xD.

Ohoh! The sec 2s were dancing and stuff and they were good. =D.

Then sing along the one with the choir, I saw Tiara and other sec 2s very very semangat LOL but cool lah see them like damn hyper. :D!

Monday, August 07, 2006,8/07/2006 08:18:00 PM


I hate going home alone.

Saturday, August 05, 2006,8/05/2006 06:17:00 PM

Ow my feet hurt from wearing those stupid slippers. -_-.

Oh yea! I went out with Hazirah Adilah and Azryl. Then whilst in Eastpoint, we kept meeting people from Changkat and like it made us remember about the old primary school times. Classic. Taekwondo and checkers and silly stuff we all went through.


Oh I am hungry. >=/.

Just now riiiight in Pet Safari Azryl was like torturing the poor widdle hammies or something. Meanie! LOL.

I can cause a tsunami just by pressing this drinking thingy

Oh and the talent show at Eastpoint cause rain. It's raining now seriously. HAHAHA!

Friday, August 04, 2006,8/04/2006 08:01:00 PM

Oh hello my deahs. Today sucked. Seriously.

Firstly, my malay cikgu threw my freakin comb out of the window. And I was like shocked because I merely combed my hair and my friends comb their hair too what! Then why doesn't he throw THEIR combs out of the window?!


Oh and just now during band, Jared was scolding Sasriezal then I looked at her, innocently wondering what happened because I swear I didn't know what happened. Then suddenly her friend Maisyarah said " Don't think that we're Sec 2s and only 1 level higher than you that you can step on our heads ". And it appeared so that she was talking to me.

Innocent, widdle ol' me!

And I gave her the face where it shows " Okay I didn't offend anyone of my seniors in anyway and I'm just noisy and I love to joke around ".

Is that wrong?

And even though Emilia bullies me and stuff to carry this that this that for her, I still did it. And when before practice started I wanted to try out on my own and I didn't have the score and I asked Maisyarah whether she can share the file wimme. Then Jared look at her like I said something wrong and then she reluctantly pushed the stand to me. =/

If they hate me, why don't they just say it infront of my face -.-...

Oh, my skirt buckle broke too. And EmiliaFatinSyamsiyahTirmidziAdilahAzryl rocks k.

Thursday, August 03, 2006,8/03/2006 07:59:00 PM

Hellohello and Dnt sucks and NDP rehearsal tmr. Wooh. Okay power.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006,8/02/2006 07:23:00 PM


Stupid, I repeat that, stupid eugene left me alone again.


Btw I can play winter abit. Must be proud of me okay! HAHAHHAA.

ROOOOOOAR okay I want to complain to someone. >=/


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Hello. I'm FAD-HI-LAH :D. I'm 14+ (i guess LOL)_ years old. I love cute animals. :3.



Wen Qi


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